Behind the Scenes: Creating a Diamond Tennis Bracelet

Creating a diamond tennis bracelet is an intricate and artistic process that requires a keen eye for detail, exceptional craftsmanship, and a lot of patience. Let's take a behind-the-scenes look at a typical day in the life of a jewelry designer working on this beautiful piece.

Morning Inspiration and Sketching
The day starts early for our jewelry designers. They begin their morning with a cup of coffee and some quiet time to gather their thoughts and inspirations. They often finds inspiration in nature, art, and even architecture. One of our team is specialized in designing a diamond tennis bracelet, a classic piece known for its elegance and simplicity.
They start by sketching their ideas on paper. They carefully draw each part of the bracelet, making sure to balance beauty with practicality. Their sketches include details about the bracelet’s length, the number of diamonds, and the setting style. Once they are happy with their sketch, it’s time to bring the design to life.

Choosing the Diamonds
Next, they select the diamonds for the bracelet. They works closely with the team of gemologists to ensure each diamond meets their high standards. They look for diamonds that are not only beautiful but also well-matched in size, color, and clarity. This step is crucial because the diamonds need to look harmonious when set together.
They use a loupe, a small magnifying tool, to inspect each diamond up close. They check for any imperfections and makes sure they all sparkle brilliantly. Once they are satisfied with their selection, it’s time to move on to the next step.

Creating the Wax Model
Before working with precious metals, they created a wax model of the bracelet. This model is an exact replica of the final piece and helps them visualize how the bracelet will look. Using a special wax carving tool, they carefully crafts each part of the bracelet, paying attention to every tiny detail.

The wax model allows them to make any adjustments before moving forward. They might tweak the design slightly to ensure the bracelet is comfortable to wear and that the diamonds are perfectly positioned.

Casting the Metal
With the wax model complete, they move on to casting the metal. They choose high-quality gold for the bracelet. The wax model is placed in a container and covered with a plaster-like material that hardens to create a mold. The wax is then melted away, leaving a hollow mold in the shape of the bracelet.

Molten gold is poured into the mold and allowed to cool. Once the metal has hardened, the mold is broken away, revealing the rough bracelet. This step is exciting because it’s the first time they sees their design in metal form.

Cleaning and Polishing
The next step is cleaning and polishing the bracelet. They use various tools to remove any excess metal and smooth out rough edges. They polish the bracelet until it has a beautiful, glossy finish. This step requires patience and precision to ensure the bracelet looks flawless.
Setting the Diamonds
Setting the diamonds is one of the most delicate parts of the process. They use special tools to carefully place each diamond into its setting. They ensure the diamonds are secure and evenly spaced. This step is crucial because it determines how the diamonds will catch and reflect light.
They check each diamond multiple times to make sure they are all perfectly aligned and securely set. It’s a meticulous process, but the result is a stunning bracelet that sparkles with every movement.
Final Inspection and Presentation
With the diamonds set, they give the bracelet one last polish and inspects it closely. They look for any imperfections and makes sure every detail is perfect. The diamond tennis bracelet is now ready to be presented to the client.
They place the finished diamond tennis bracelet in a beautiful box, ready to be unveiled. They takes pride in knowing that their hard work and artistry have created a piece that will be cherished for a lifetime.

At Jianna Jewelers creating a diamond tennis bracelet is a labor of love that involves creativity, skill, and attention to detail. From the initial sketch to the final polish, each step in the process is important in bringing our vision to life. Behind every beautiful piece of jewelry is a dedicated team of our designers, whose passion and craftsmanship make each piece truly special. Visit to learn more about craftsmanship and shop your perfect piece. 


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